Altar with the image of Our Lady of the Rosary
- Subject
- Ołtarz z wizerunkiem Matki Boskiej
- Contributor
- -
- Style
- -
- Date
- Ołtarz: ok. poł. XVII w. Obraz: XVIII w. (?) Obraz w zwieńczeniu: ok. poł. XVII w. (?)
- Type
- Przyścienna forma architektoniczna z centralnie umieszczonym obrazem
- Material and technique
- Ołtarz: drewniany z murowaną mensą na marmurowym cokole Obrazy: technika olejna na podobraziu drewnianym
- Size
- -
- Signatures and inscriptions
- -
- Identity number
- -
- Department
- -
- Links/analogies
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- Owner
- Bazylika Mariacka w Krakowie
- Copyright
- Bazylika Mariacka w Krakowie
- Location
- Kaplica Michała Archanioła
- Description
- The chapel has a Baroque altarpiece, dating from the mid-17th century. The mensa is decorated with a decoration consisting of the name "MARYA" and floral motifs. The predella is filled with the painting "Last Supper". The main painting in the altarpiece depicts "Our Lady with Child", called "Rosary". The Virgin Mary, in a half pose, is dressed in a silver dress. The altarpiece is surmounted by an image of 'St Joseph'.