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Nostra Taumaturga
The miraculous image of Our Lady of Graces with the Krzeszów abbey is probably associated with its entire history.
The icon written (according to legend) by the hermit Krzesz, was lost at the beginning of the 20th century. XV. It was found in 1622 to be placed in the main altar in the 18th century.

Nostra Taumaturga [Our Miracle-Worker] is the oldest Marian image in Poland. It shows Mary in the type of hodigitria [showing the way], holding Emmanuel on her right shoulder, making an ambiguous gesture with her other hand – pointing to her son, while keeping her hand on her heart – the source of grace. The performance is dominated by three colors: gold – the symbol of royalty and heaven’s vestibule, red – love, and turquoise – referring to the mystery of the incarnation.