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Portrait of Abbot Francis II (Franciscus II) Kratzer of Zittau (Zittau), 1566 -1583
Author, school, workshop
Christian Conrad the Younger
Material and technique
Oil painting on canvas
Poaugustinian Monastery Complex in Żagań, Poland
The portrait was originally accompanied by the inscription: 'Ornatus templi pretiosos comparat aere / Lapsaque restaurans, aedificansque nova. / Graefenfain, Schoenbrunn et Briesnitz pignore pressa / Exonerat, Breslam venerat, unde vinit'. He took care of the elaborate decoration of the temple. He renovated what was falling apart from old age, building new ones as well. He liquidated the debts of Grotów, Jabłonowo and Brzeźnica. He later left for Wrocław, from where he had also previously arrived (the monastery of Canons Regular in Piasek).